Who is Your Guy Bri?

Brian DiMaggioPhone: 404-788-7946Email: dimaggiobrian22@gmail.com

Brian DiMaggio

Phone: 404-788-7946

Email: dimaggiobrian22@gmail.com

I have spent all of my life in the Metro Atlanta area and I love it! There is such a vibrant culture surrounding this city and I want to share that with you! I am a graduate of Georgia State University with a degree in Real Estate and have been a realtor for over 6 years. I eat, sleep, and breathe real estate!

  • You want to look at homes that meet very specific criteria in order to find the perfect one? Let’s do it.

  • You want to get as much money as possible from your homes sale? You got it.

  • Interested in investing? Hey! Me too.

I’ll see you at the closing table! (and every step along the way)